Nice man.
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Age 30, Female
Joined on 11/7/05
Nice man.
This looks epic.
You've been milking this a looooooooong time
And once I run out of ideas, let's see how many ideas I can run out of. :)
I think of your art, too. Don't think so little of yourself.
That reminds me, you should start submitting to the Art Portal.
One problem: My computer turned sticky keys on after a bit, so I x'd out the window and tried to keep playing. However, my character appeared to be stuck in an endless jumping loop that went away once the page was refreshed.
Oh right... StickyKeys... I'll consider removing the option to use the Shift key to jump, and perhaps instead allow a less troublesome key.
just tested it, i found no problem except one: if you jump, sometimes you jump forward instead of up
That's because of the gravity is slanted at some points. But you're right, this isn't obvious at all and will be confusing - will be more careful next time.
That's stylish and amazingly coded. I want to play it.
next time when you submit a flash UPDATE IT JACKASS!
Its an interesting concept. I always enjoy your puns and quips. As for the game, the first thing I did when I got to the rotating "hill", you could say, was jump. It caused me to get stuck with the red guy, but I didn't know what else to do until I refreshed and just walked up the hill like I should've done. Then the yellow guy informed me that it was a "get all the guys into one place" type of puzzle. So after that it wasn't a problem.
This level won't actually be in the game, but yes I'll make sure players don't accidentally miss instructions. Thanks!
If you switch characters mid jump, the character you switch to will be in mid jump. You can use this to get Mr 2 glitched into the wall by alternating quickly between characters 1 and 2 while mashing jump and right. I managed to do this twice, and then never repeat it again. Also, if you hold down two of the number keys, the game looks wacky.
It is also not too hard to miss the o hai cutscene if you are screwing around.
Other than that, the game looks amazing so far.
Do I win anything?
Oh jeez that's huge. I didn't manage to recreate the stuck-in-wall bug, but I did somehow manage to get Red #3 stuck in mid-air.
And yeah the jittery camera thing, will have to fix that.
Thank you very much!
You win the game! Like, forever!
You can never, ever lose the game again.
You're free.
Holding down the character keys (say 1 and 2) and holding left/right causes mr. 1 and 2 to go ice skating together.
i foresee many, many, puns that obviously take a night to think of... And i can't wait.
With a universe full of ideas from individuals, I personally doubt there won't be a third installment in the :The Game: series.
Earthquakes, Oil Spills, and Other Fun Stuff!
It was interesting and btw nice choice of music
Messing with gravity like that also feels like a fresh idea
If you hold all three numbers together, you can control all of them at the same time, is that maybe going to be apart of gameplay? and if your apart, it'll really shake up the screen.
Other than that, no bugs.
RESTART:the game: ?
i played that playtest of foobar and was too weird (the other too but this is was superweird(sorry for my english i'm mexican)) anyways that was funny
The placeholder music loop rocks.