whats your next game or project going to be anyways
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Age 30, Female
Joined on 11/7/05
whats your next game or project going to be anyways
Maybe some HTML5 thing.
Just finished watching the video for The Mochis 2012. I wasn't too disappointed with anything at first but when they got to the part where Reimagine comes in my jaw dropped. I thought they captured the absolute worst parts of the game. I don't know about you guys, but I'm really pissed off. Ah well. No point in getting all fumed about it. Anyways, are you going to make a sequel or not? Why weren't you there at the ceremony?
P.S. I love your limericks.
I didn't attend the ceremony
Coz I did not have enough money
I gave out a holler
Twilight Sparkle is best pony
Before anything else... thanks for ALLOWING comments. Too many times have I seen some artist go on some interesting tirade only to keep me from (hopefully) adding something to their thoughts.
It's hard for me to articulate, but I am happy to see a person who can think with such complexity over something as small as a flash game. Both in regards to the ideas you put into it at the time and afterwards in light of its backlash. However you feel about your product or its reception, I really hope you are satisfied with you. You show some rare traits that make you a worthy human being. If you ever doubted that, I would just like to reaffirm it.
I have a few thoughts in regards to how you felt about smart vs. stupid content. If ever again you want to make a statement that might piss people off but seems important to you, remember you can go to the magical world of the internet- where we can't count on accountability. If a lil' snot on xbox live can use the net to protect him, someone with a brain should use it too. Also, don't feel bad about dumb or lowbrow jokes. If everything is too cranial, people can lose focus and thick meaning becomes counter intuitive. Plus, stupid humor can make people happy. When you can make someone feel happy about your message, they will feel more able to support your message. A shit joke to boost morale can be a good reminder that the issues you bring up are not hopeless and something can be done with them.
I really like your style. Even though it is commendable that you can see its problems, do not hate it. The polarization caused by your ideas simply shows that people are willing enough to acknowledge that it is something truly worth getting panties bundled over it. Something people can love or hate without thinking just gets ignored. Something that people can argue endures longer and can get more people thinking about it. Like P.T. Barnum said, "I don't care WHAT you say about me, just spell my name right". Whether you want to sell big or create pervasive ideas, the same rules can apply.
Ugh, it seems I need to pay attention to my own advice and make shorter comments...
TL;DR w00T! nutcasenightmare RULZ!
and one question ARE YOU A BRONY? cuz i am 2!
Friendship is Magic, and Adventure Time, are my favourite "kids' shows" that have enough sophistication to be enjoyed by older audiences. A truly remarkable balancing feat.
And by sophistication, I mean nightmare fuel.