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Tales of Economics: Ford Crying Out Loud

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - June 1st, 2009

-News Update: Who's been bankruptured so far?-
Chrysler: TERMINATED - That's one thing they couldn't Dodge.
GM: TERMINATED - But they promise that in a couple of months, "I'll Be Back".

The only one of the American Big Three that hasn't been LOAN PWND is Ford. Now, because I'm bored and because I *did* kind of make a Flash mocking the Big Three... (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /476704)

...Here's a lil' economics tale about what ***might*** happen with Ford in the upcoming months.
------- Tales of Economics: Ford Crying Out Loud ---------

Now with GM and Chrysler out of the way, Ford is going to be like... a spoiled only child or something. Seriously, did you see how Ford's stock just *happened* to go up when GM got pwnt? That was almost as awesome as the time swine flu caused every single public medical company to jizz in their pants.

Naturally, the American public will also start being protective of Ford - every single Japanese person may wake up each morning with a jujitsu routine, but not even a gallon of pure kick-ass can defeat the tariffs that will be imposed to placate teh Ford, made in the USA. Of course, they're not going to CALL it tariffs. Probably something more along the lines of:

"It is imperative -- way past time, in fact -- for America to be as mercantilist [meaning reducing imports - probably with tariffs] as are our trading partners. We must forcefully counter the illegal subsidies, [uh... bailouts?] the manipulated currency exchange rates [uh... federal reserve and inflation??] and the unfair labor and environmental practices that some of them are employing to strike at our economy.[Hey, you're the country with bigass auto worker unions and corn ethanol subsidies.]"
~Leo Hindry, current economic advisor to Prez Brock Obama.

Oh yes, Ford would love nothing more than these tariffs to reduce competition from Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and those other Japanese cars that you can recharge by plugging into your iPhone or something. This will pretty much just hand over to Ford a monopoly status. (Isn't it ironic how government, the enforcer of antitrust laws, produces the most monopolies?)

Ford will take advantage of their effectively coercive-monopoly status - I mean, who wouldn't? I like big bucks I cannot lie, you other brokers can't deny. When crap slaps the fan, it's time for the government to face the music, fess up, and start blaming someone else. My money's on blaming the free market. (The alternative, blaming Iraq and pwning them over oil, just isn't as popular anymoar.)


Now, there's something called regulatory capture. It's basically a nice euphemism for 'lobbyists are going to rape your wallet and not use protection'. Lobbyists lobby because they get huge benefits, while the costs are spread out across the public. For example, if I were a rich white old guy with friends in Parliament, I could lobby the Canadian government to give me one BEEYLUN dollars, which would cost each individual taxpayer only about $2.50 per month over a year.

Naturally, I would personally have quite an incentive to lobby the government for this, but who's going to lobby back, over a measly $2.50 lost per month? Every lobbyist knows this, and eventually all these $2.50s pile up on the taxpayer until *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*. Government is pretty much like a tragedy of the commons - again ironic if government is supposed to CONTROL externalities and market failures.


So the American government will decide to regulate Ford, and possibly, even nationalize Ford. Regulatory capture takes over, and now not only is Ford a monopoly, it's got the government right in its back pocket. The bureaucratic costs will explode into a million pieces, cars will cost you the arm and leg you could have ridden a bicycle with, Ron Paul will get a heart attack, the Japanese will start planning a remake of Pearl Harbour with kamikaze Priuses, and little kittens will die in a fire.

And all because someone made a hybrid. Damn you.


Next time on Tales of Economics, it's a heartwarming story about how Ben Bernanke fell in like with Zimbabwe's economic policies. And by 'fell in like', I mean Ben Bernanke likes a good ol' stimulus package down there in his private sector. He also has an inflation fetish.


i sure hope my cat doesn't die in a fire

go back to work.

Okay fine jeeez.

Wow, that was a MUCH better read than any economic article I've had to read for my economics class! I wish I could do my weekly report on this!

Lol really? Thanks dude - I'm planning to go into Econ! I'm glad someone likes ma economics commentary. =)

P.S: Your flashes are awesome

Bull, your not 14...

Gah! Why do both libertarians and socialists make sense to me?

-The Birth of Libertarian Socialism-

You got socialism in my libertarianism!
And you got libertarianism in my socialism!

Om Noam Noam Noam Noam Noam Noam Noam.

Wait-a-minute, you're Canadian. Go worry about your own goddamn country.


But it's so booorrrrriiiingggg heeeerrrreeeee.

Maybe it's just Canadian jealousy that we poke fun at teh Americans. I mean, America has its first black president. And for Vancouver, Canada? Stephen Harper got re-elected last year, and Gordon Campbell got re-elected this year. Why is Canadian politics just so boooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiii iiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggg.

Canadian patriotism: making fun of the other guy. =D


Edit: Oh wait. Paramedic strike. Yay, not so boring anymore!

too long didn't even glance at it. Dude how about making this into a video instead of boring us.


That was pretty awesome.. not going to lie.

since Canada started taking side on Israel and against those Arabs, I support you canadians!

Great speech and also great flash. Also best phrase of the day "loan pwned" dude thats so good it needs copywrited. I love reading on stuff like, exactly how retarded is bush?, Did Cheny sell his soul(YES)?, and also loan pwns XD. And hey (im thinking I know the answer) are you conservetive or libral? Iv been told im very much a libral.

Lol, thanks! As for the following question: "are you conservative or liberal?" Please take the following test.

The World's Smallest Political Quiz
http://www.theadvocates.org/quizp /index.html

I refer to this quiz because
1) I really cannot place myself anywhere on the liberal-conservative line
2) This quiz totally kicks the ass of the Political Compass.

I score 100/100 libertarian on there. I personally believe in free trade because I think a decentralized economy provides a lot more than a centralized one, and support personal freedom because free speech, free thought, and free love are great for a thriving, intelligent, and sexy, sexy society.

Please do take the test! I think we'd both like to know where you stand on the chart. =)

Libertarian Socialism is such an oxymoron.

It seems to me that libertarian socialism (om noam noam noam) considers 'positive liberty' and 'vertical equality' to be as good as if not better than 'negative liberty' and 'horizontal equality'.

I have my suspicions that the similarity in terms lead to this confusion, but I'll let that cunning linguist Noam Chomsky decide that. I mean, as long as 'positive liberty' and 'negative liberty' have the same syntax, semantics is irrelevant, right? (Okay that was such a assholic representation of Chomskyan linguistic theory. Back to political rantings.)

We have seen many instances where the pursuit of equality over liberty has led to either inefficiency or abuse: productivity-punishing bailouts, grade inflation in the public school system, and the slow-as-a-snail-made-out-of-molas ses Canadian medicare.

Regardless of whether or not greed is good, greed DOES exist, and it's a very powerful force - why not use it? Without allowing for some form of vertical inequality to reward those who produce things others want, no one except the absolutely altruistic would produce stuff. But in a voluntary exchange, (without fraud or coercion) both parties would be better off, even if one gains more than the other. (Economics isn't a zero-sum game.)

Just personally here, if I were to choose between a world where life is equally hellish for everyone, and a world where everyone's well-being increases but at different rates, I would most certainly pick the latter.

(Of course, that is not to say that libertarian socialist communities can't exist. Some, such as Freetown Christiania, exist quite successfully. In fact, in those cases, I would defend them against the oppression they face from the Danish government.)


This pretty much sums up any socialist ideology:

"It is true that liberty is precious - so precious that it must be rationed."
~Vladmir. Freakin'. Lenin.



boom and *busty*

Thanks, glad you liked my flash submissions!
I hope you do more of these "Tales of Economics"; They're very entertaining! :D

r u ,aking a sequel to the game??

"Oh noes! Im teh furry!
</very, very obscure reFURence>" No, I got you there, that's a Rock-a-doodle reference, I fucking know it!

Wow, I didn't even know that.

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