Take a look at the US Dollar to Canadian Dollar graph below and tell me that even remotely LOOKS like the US Dollar has a chance to survive make it's time hahaha. Here's the original graph. .gif
Okay, so maybe the graph skews it a bit, but that slope is much steeper than before. In fact it's EPIC.
(And in retrospect, *why* didn't I buy Crash Proof at the low point... Well, it's still a good $34 CDN well spent.)
But honestly, after the dollar rose up in June, I was like, huh, okay, maybe the US economy really is recovering thanks to Obama. I could literally feel myself starting to lean towards the left - like, maybe it was high blood pressure or something. I was in Currency Complacency, if you will. So imagine my HEART ATTACK when I just happened to stumble across the Bank of Canada Exchange Rates.
I only just found out 15 minutes ago, so yes do excuse my HYPERINFLATION HYPERACTIVITY. So I'll fix the typoes LATER. Typos. Typoes? Typos.
The title of this post is a reference to Peter Schiff. That Austrian economist guy who was the economic advisor behind Ron Lawl's 2008 campaign. He also wrote Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse. Yes, COMING. Oh and it came HARD. RIGHT ALL OVER YOUR... Yes, he wrote that book in February 2007, nine months before the 'official' recession and more than a YEAR before anyone noticed the recession.
Peter Schiff is like, Nostradamus. Except that Schiff accurately predicted the apocalypse. Here's a quote from his book's epilogue.... *opens it*
"The real estate bubble, already losing air, could pop first, sending the economy quickly into recession, which could cause a run on the dollar, force up long-term interest rates, create hyperinflation, and force defaults, refinancing, or other settlements with respect to personal and national debt."
Yeah, it's spooky. So what does Schiff recommend we do?
-sell your real estate stocks; (too late for THAT...)
-buy gold;
-stop borrowing crappy credit stuff;
-liquid... stocks or something
-Yeah I skimmed over it a little bit. Shaddup.
On a side note, this stuff is probably directed mainly towards an American audience. I don't think Canadians like me aren't going to be very sad when they found out they'll soon be able to buy American stuff for a half the price. Oh btw, Schiff's also writing a sequel, "Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From THE Economic Collapse".
By the time it comes out, I can buy it with CANADIAN money lying on the street!
Supply of money goes up, monetary value goes down? I dunno. I would've thought the extra supply would have countered by demand for US Dollars, because people want their loans repaid and people would want to start saving money. But apparently either that's not the case, or it is but just is no match for a one trillion plus dollar stimulus (in total) and a... *checks wiki*
DOUBLE HEART ATTACK. ral_Funds_Rate_(effective).svg
Holy crap, I thought the Zero Fed Funds Rate was just a JOKE!...
Like, is there even a decimal point?
Why do I find out these things like, WAY too late? (Btw, I'm sure waiting to see MJ's new concert, it's gonna be great! I wonder how Oxiclean's doing, too.)
So yes, Obama and Bernanke are in the below graph because they deserve it. Also, they're going to be in :the game 2: ... The Messiah and Roflcopter Ben.
That's all I have to b**ch about for now. Wow, I feel a LOT better.
Why is it that people from other countries seem to care more about American economics and politics than Americans do?
Crab mentality patriotism.