Oh wow, I just made it past my first week of first-year undergraduate year at university.
It's not as bad as I'd imagined it to be, (so far) but ever so slightly challenging. Some assignments, some reading, some awesome teacher personalities. (My Econ teacher has a caricature of himself on his friggin' textbook...)
And of course, the joooooy of leeearrrrrniiiiiinnnnngggggg. (The real reason employers care if you're educated is to see how well you can take social pressure, mental burnout, and bureaucratic BDSM without popping caps in a few asses.)
It's nice to be slightly more organized than I used to, to adapt fairly quickly to this new environment; some sense of pride, really.
But apparently, the first week wasn't interesting enough to post something that's not just barely beyond a Twitter post.
Also, yesterday was my birthday. What better way to make fun of something by commemorating it a day late.
("Woah, someone blow out THOSE candles! Thank you, firefighters!")
("Aw, two blocks of Jenga and two model airplanes? You shouldn't have!")
Happy day after your birthday.