Wanna just say thanks again to you guys for playing, Newgrounds for sponsoring, buncha portals for licensing, and teh haters for reminding me to be humble. =P Also, some extra updates.
1) Go play Replaying :The Game: on Kongregate! (FINALLY uploaded there.) Play it, pretty please?
2) I've *finally* uploaded EpicRoll :The Cutscene: on Youtube, even though lots of people have already done this for me... just go watch it. >_< (I've also uploaded the Keyboard Cat clip.)
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3) Keyboard Cat clip? Oh yes I've added Keyboard Cat to the The End level. Keyboard Cat was a deleted scene from a Schrodinger's Cat :The Game:, which never made it inititally, until I added it a week or two later.
Replaying Him Off, Keyboard Cat.
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Good for you?