Monthly Voting Time!
I mean, you don't HAVE to vote for Reimagine :The Game:. It's okay, I'll just get all passive-aggressive about it. Don't mind me, I'll be sitting in this corner here. ALONE. Oh, I'm sorry, is this bothering you? Would you like me to find a new corner? I could claw a hole in the wall, crawl inside, curl up, and DIE. Would that please you? For me to assume the fetal position and get aborted?
It's fine really, no one's forcing you to go to your My Account page and vote for Reimagine in Best of May. But thanks anyway.
Speaking of passive-aggressive... From my comic Faceless & Hopping:
I didn't vote for it. >:3
If I push myself harder into this corner maybe I can achieve my lifelong dream of becoming a cube.