PLAY the original GAP MONSTERS before trying out the user-submitted levels.
Gap Monsters has amassed over 1,337 GapWorld levels!
( To be precise, 1,383 levels, at time of writing. )
Thank you all so much for contributing over 30 times the number of levels I've made, because I am one lazy bastard.
But because of my lazy bastardom, I can't keep track of all the submissions. And since I project my flaws onto others, you might also be too lazy to filter out which levels you want to play.
Send me levels you'd like to see featured and commented on, and I'll do so when I'm not bastardizing laziness. The blog might also go into some behind-the-scenes stuff if anyone's interested, including a possible mobile Gap Tap Monsters App!
Play on, fellow monsters.
Vote for GAP MONSTERS for Newgrounds' TOP 10 BEST OF JULY.
I'd appreciate it, but more importantly, the Monsters won't.
I seem to enjoy that game. Just don't 100% like the screams.
Yeah, I wish I could have also included minute-long heart-wrenching sounds of a child sobbing... But due to budget constraints, I had to cut that & the child.