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Reimagine :The Game: Post-Mortem

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - May 3rd, 2012

Two things about my infamous Reimagine :The Game: (mid-2011)
1) I'm proud of my work.
2) And I sincerely hate it.

For every inventive game mechanic...
The level design for FDA12-18:TG: (Female Demographic Ages 12-18 :The Game:) building up on clever uses for the power of the Bieber.

...It was betrayed by my unpolished physics engine.
That frustrating Tea Party bounce-in-and-out-the-water level.

For every social issue I wanted to discuss...
Does marketing yourself as not-heterosexual promote LGBT-tolerance? Is it just a sex-sells money-grab? Are those mutually exclusive?

...I feared being preachy, and settled for cheap jokes.
I'm not sure if Ke$ha officially jumped on the bisexual bandwagon with Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.

For every piece of intelligent satire...
Satirizing the TSA mantra, "If you've got nothing to fear, you've got nothing to hide", showing Wikileaks turning it against the US government itself.

...I slapped on a meme at the end.
Some rage comic cutscene about bacon.

Note -- posting this post-mortem is not to please my profanity-puking critics, people poor with properly placed punctuation.

But wow did Reimagine polarize plenty of people.

I still think it's a game that worked at the time, and many others think it's still funny.
But I just needed to acknowledge what my game could have been, and what just ended up dumb.
Acknowledge this, before I do another thing dumb...
like winning another annual competition with Reimagine.


The only reason I wrote this is to waste your time.

Just put it behind you and don't be afraid next time. It's how this site was started, being controversial and just bugging the masses.

Gap Monsters was mind blowing, original, and probably my favorite of yours. I really did like imagine, because it made me laugh and I didn't find it at all frustrating.

Thanks, you're awesome too!

This post-mortem is my little way of putting it behind me.

Which may or may not change, depending on the results of the Tank Awards.
I will totally flip-flop on EVERYTHING I've said, depending on the results of the Tank Awards.

Either way, you got your point across. Whatever it was.

Good point. Have some points.

You're a fantastic writer.


Amen to what Alpha said.

Amen, Alpha.
Alliterations. Alliterations all around.

This is why you should allocate all of your focus to getting Four Horsemen on my phone.

Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a way to pity myself for 4 Horsemen too.


Yeah, I know this post isn't about Gap Monsters, but I really liked that one :-) Good luck with the Tank Awards!

Please, please, PLEASE let Gap Monsters beat Reimagine for the Tank Awards.

To be honest. I liked all games. The first 2 ones were simple and funny but with the last one you did something else and that's something else rather than ONLY falling down...otherwise it would be a bit boring if you had 3 games that were completely the same right?
Anyway,like the game and i hope the next one will be just as awesome as the other ones!

Boredom: Challenge < Skill
Frustration: Challenge > Skill
FLOW: Challenge = Skill

So, theoretically, if I made Reimagine a little more boring...

I liked this game and hated gap monsters.

If only Gap Monsters had a couple musical numbers like Reimagine.

How could you guys hate Reimagine? It is a marvelously creative game with humour based on our cruddy lives and its hilarious. Without this change, I couldn't imagine this game even being nominated for ANYTHING. Sure you could've done better, but this was your first crack at this sort of thing and its my favorite flash animation ever and that's saying something. Please make another since it will make some of our lives better and it will give you another shot at the "community choice award." Please don't give up now after finding your passion: humor, creativity, and sound (OK the last one isn't really something HUGE to be proud about but its something.) Even if your games are short, it doesn't matter since your games are PURE AWESOME. Please continue on with :the game: and the world will be a better place. Please consider it. Thanks. :)

If the :The Game: series was my trilogy version of "Ants In Your Pants of 1939",
I think I need to do an "O Brother, Where Art Thou?".

Preferably with less chain gang prisoner work.

reimagine is like a horse that someone shot and left outside during the summer. Every time it keeps getting worse. I commend you for making the first one a great game that was out of the norm, but I condemn you for making shitty sequels and continuing to make such shitty sequels.

Why would anyone
want to shoot a horse

I got completley bored of these games about halfway through the first one.

I think I put it like #2 on games of the year or something, Maybe #1, I can't remember- Kingdom Rush wasn't in the voting.
More focused games like that, please! I think your talk-show lite-political low-hanging-fruit humour is completely boring and available from a million other people at a dime a dozen.
Then, like you said, the internet memes and HILARIOUS CELEBRITY BASHING just drilled it down even deeper into that grave. In my opinion.

Gap Monsters was smarter and more interesitng than anything you'd said in that other game.
I think you should make more focused games, whether in the context of what they're about OR in how they work.

One Wholehearted Yes.

Since Reimagine, I've focused on -- for a lack of a subtler word -- ACTUAL games like Gap Monsters and 4 Horsemen.

Thanks for taking the Time to Explain!

I thought RTG was good but it definately had room for improvement. If you ever decide to make another sequel of some sort, just tone down the memes and add more satire. I think you hit the sweet spot with Replaying, sure it had memes but they were balanced by actual humor.

Sounds like sound advice!

Sure, memes might get me a wider internet audience, but I definitely want to balance it.
Don't go over the Invisible Threshold of Obnoxiousness.

I love all your games, but I just want to say; Gap Monsters has the potential to become a hit as a mobile game/app - have you ever thought of that?


Why do you hate it? It was amazing. The satires never stopped being shoved down our throats along with the consistently frustrating level designs, quirks, and parodies of everything that ever showed up on Youtube with more than a million views, or got moderate media attention. Most people cannot pull that off, but you sir have managed to turn the entire media world into one big joke for me, and I thank you for that.Your originality with each level design and objective is nothing short of astounding. If you hated The Game because it was difficult to finish, then take your time. You don't have to be in a rush. That's what deadlines are for. If you stopped working on this series, so many people will be disappointed. Lord knows I was when I found out about some of my favorite flashes.

It's a love-hate relationship.

But dammit, you're right.
I still want to make a game that inspires discussion!

Now, there's nothing wrong with games that are just for fun.
Unless you always feel horrendously guilty.
For no reason.
All the time.
Like I do.

Please do another dumb thing. I probably enjoyed Reimagine the most because it did all the thinking for me that I didn't want to have to.

Big fan, meng.

And suddenly I learn one of my heroes likes my game.
... This might affect my opinion of said game.

Make the smartest dumb thing the world has seen.
My sole mission, now.
I can't claim any credit for holding you up, but I definitely won't let you down!

I agree with alpha- I think you can write very well. Anyone can write a meme though. If you want to stand out as an intelligent person it's best to avoid that cesspool of advice animals and impact fonts.
Instead, I suggest you keep refining your witty sense of humor in future games, but use something more dignified as a reference point and you'll probably get more dignified reactions.
That said, I'm super jealous of your abilities as a game maker and wish you the best of luck with the FGS contest.

Thanks, I'll refine my writing 'til it's real fine.

Also, Impact is so 2011.
League Gothic is the new go-to rectangular web font.

Man, oh, man. Someone replied to my comment and it happens to be my hero. This is an honor. Um, well, I guess you're right about the problems. I was pissed at the Tea Party level, more than I was at BP Oil Spill, but it was an interesting recreation of the politicians and whatnot. You could've added more, but I can't blame you for fearing what others would think and well the jokes were really cool. Normally I hate memes, but the meme about bacon seriously changed my thinking, even if it wasn't necessary. If you create another sequel (please do) you could just try to fix these problems and discover more about our current lives you can make into a game, or more specifically :the game:. Good Luck! :)

Actually, I liked the bacon joke too!
It would've stood on its own without being in rage comic form.

Bacon's a cost-effective, non-intrusive, delicious way to weed out Muslim extremists!
Yet here we are, with the TSA trying to look at *your* sausage.


i liked the trilogy you should make the next but called "imagination :thegame:"with both :the game: (fall of the platform) and reimagine gameplay

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