Two things about my infamous Reimagine :The Game: (mid-2011)
1) I'm proud of my work.
2) And I sincerely hate it.
For every inventive game mechanic...
The level design for FDA12-18:TG: (Female Demographic Ages 12-18 :The Game:) building up on clever uses for the power of the Bieber.
...It was betrayed by my unpolished physics engine.
That frustrating Tea Party bounce-in-and-out-the-water level.
For every social issue I wanted to discuss...
Does marketing yourself as not-heterosexual promote LGBT-tolerance? Is it just a sex-sells money-grab? Are those mutually exclusive?
...I feared being preachy, and settled for cheap jokes.
I'm not sure if Ke$ha officially jumped on the bisexual bandwagon with Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
For every piece of intelligent satire...
Satirizing the TSA mantra, "If you've got nothing to fear, you've got nothing to hide", showing Wikileaks turning it against the US government itself.
...I slapped on a meme at the end.
Some rage comic cutscene about bacon.
Note -- posting this post-mortem is not to please my profanity-puking critics, people poor with properly placed punctuation.
But wow did Reimagine polarize plenty of people.
I still think it's a game that worked at the time, and many others think it's still funny.
But I just needed to acknowledge what my game could have been, and what just ended up dumb.
Acknowledge this, before I do another thing dumb...
like winning another annual competition with Reimagine.
The only reason I wrote this is to waste your time.