
35 Movie Reviews

13 w/ Responses

Both parts of this series were great!

This review is for all of your cartoons currently on NG, btw.


Well yeah, great animation, looks very professional! (Well you ARE a veteran animator from Nickelodeon.) The character designs also made good satire, even if a little over-the-top. However, the animation in the Changeobot series doesn't seem to be as good as the one in your Prop 8 cartoon.

The voice acting was excellent; the first cartoon had a very good impersonation of Obama's voice and accent, and Palin's voice in this cartoon was just wonderful. However, McCain-bot guy doesn't sound like McCain at all.

I also watched the previous part of this cartoon, and in context, this series is not biased against or towards any particular party, as most people seemed to have perceived. The first cartoon was a very spot-on satire of the differences between Obama's promises vs administration, and this cartoon's a really spot-on satire of the differences between Republican administrations and promises.

And of course the most important message of the series, "little real change ever happens in the Changeobot world", regardless of who's in charge. NOT EVEN THE TRANSFORMERS CAN TRANSFORM THE POLITICAL STRUCTURE


However, while the political jokes were very well executed, and I appreciated it, I believe most of the humour may have went over most people's heads. You should stick with the approach your Prop 8 cartoon used: Political humour mixed with stuff that will also entertain the rest of us. The Prop 8 cartoon did this well. Gay beavers always work well.

I think your political cartoons are great and have even greater potential, and I'd love to see what political issue your next cartoon tackles! Keep it up!


+Fav, 10/10, oh and totally voting for this for Monthly Top Ten.


A fan of this series, and I'm glad to see that the artwork has improved vastly since you got your drawing tablet. While the animation is still slightly choppy, it's nice to see that your FBF animation is getting better!

The sky-warping and design of the 'real' devil really was the best part of this episode. The 'real' devil's design was very creative - it looked like a very bloody depiction of lust and false idolatry... or something like that. In any case it was really cool.

Keep up the series! =D

My train of thought:

Power Level 0:
"Oh lol this is going to be a parody of anime shows. So far so good."

Power Level 1000:

Power Level: 2000:
"Is this just a loop?"
*pink wife squirrel appears*
"Oh no, it's randomly generated, that's nice."

Power Level 4000:
"What the fuck d'ya mean you don't know hyperbeam?" (I lol'd)

Power Level 6000:
"No dad, you'll destroy the entire oak tree!"

Power Level 8000:
"I can't believe I'm waiting this long to see if will do anything at 9000."

Power Level 8999:


The ending was okay, and it's a fun little joke, but the few "cutscenes" + my hoping something happens at 9000 barely kept me entertained long enough to reach the end. As other reviews probably show, there weren't enough cutscenes to keep the attention of most people.

Animation was somewhat mediocre, sound doesn't loop very well, but the voicing was good. But I guess the bad qualities are forgivable given that the flash is supposed to be a joke, and that this was an old film of yours.

Overall, 6/10, I guess. It's good for a small chuckle if you've got the time and the obsession with memes.


Expectation: It's going to be a poltical satire involving the Democratic American government and the fiscally conservative Tea Party protests, with much biting intellectual commentary on the USA's major role in the current global economy!

Realization: Wut.

obesefeline responds:

I didn't know the Republicans had tea party protests.

I think I've been had.

I'm a huge Dexter fan, and at first I thought this was actually going to be a quick comedic rundown of stuff like the Ice Truck Killer, Lila, Miguel, etc. It started off quite well, with the direct quote from Dexter Morgan, along with the hilariously exaggerated portrayal of Doakes and Rita.

But the 'twist' halfway kind of threw me off, and maybe it's just the Dexter fan-geek in me talking, but I didn't like it because Rita's phonecalls are, I think, relatively trivial in the series. What about the Code of Harry, Dexter's childhood, or the times Dexter almost got caught? Focusing on those (especially the Code) would have made a much better caricature of the series.

The cartoon representations were actually quite accurate. You really caught the classic Dexter expression and facial features! The animation and audio was also quite good. The huge room-spin at Rita's first call was a good example of good animation, and the music was comfortably close enough to Dexter's. Voicing was spot-on for Dexter and Doakes too. =) (Although Rita could have used a pitch-shift. Use Audacity.)

Fianlly, Masuka. Needed a bit of Masuka's perviness. =P


But yeah, I am psyched for Season 4. YAY SON OF DEXTER, and YAY YOU for making this toon!

"How about we put our..."

As a short silly skit... hilarious.
As a political satire on the paralysis of the UN... epic!

Glad you posted this. =)

P.S: The first time I saw this, wow, you really had me going. I really thought at first it was going to be a pro-UN edutainment-documentary or something.

Immaculate, Flawless, Perfect.

The mind-blowing music, the silhouettes, the colour scheme, the fluid animation, the theatric special effects, the quirky character design, the original plot, the peppered humour, the amazing voice talent, the epic narrative...

Everything. This is immaculate, flawless, perfect.

This deserves the Tank Award 2009, hands down.

Matt Wilson?

Every single time I watch one of your cartoons, I always confuse you for Matt Wilson - your fluid FBF animation style, the characters' exaggerated facial expressions, the fast-paced 'random' style of humour: it's almost as if you're one and the same...
(And yeah, Michelle & Feo instantly reminded me of Mark & Tony...)

But yeah, the animation and character designs are amazing! Love it, 10/10!

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