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    Nutcasenightmare's News

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - May 16th, 2014

    PublicDomainJam.com (starts today!)
    A week-long game jam (May 17-24) to celebrate the public domain!

    - - -

    - $1000 Grand Prize for best game that is itself public domain (sponsored by me!)
    - Loom Turbo (worth $500) for best game in each category
    - Kenney Game Art Pack for best 100 games

    - - -

    Why are there so many Zombie games?

    They're everywhere coz zombies are both well known and free to use, since they're part of our public domain. But there are SO MANY other stories and characters out there that are also free to use! The War of the Worlds, Moby Dick, Aesop's Fables, Odysseus, Thor... you name it. Whatever the reason, a lot of these stories aren't out there in games yet.



    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - March 11th, 2014

    Nothing To Hide is an "anti-stealth" game, where you're forced to help in your own surveillance. You may have already seen it on Newgrounds - it got Daily 1st, Top 5 Weekly, and Best Game of Feb 2014! Or you may have seen the game elsewhere - it was written up on Forbes, VICE, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. Or you may have seen me spam this a few times already, because today is the final day to support Nothing To Hide!

    Back this game with a Milestone-based Pledge! (it's like Kickstarter... except not Kickstarter)

    Cutting & Cuddles,


    P.S: Did you like the visibility-shadow effect in the game? I just published a math/programming tutorial on how to make something like that. Enjoy!

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - February 27th, 2014


    Nothing To Hide is an "anti-stealth" game, where you're forced to help in your own surveillance.

    And it's finally out on Newgrounds! (Daily 1st, whoo) However, it's still just a demo, we need your support to fully build out this game for Windows/Mac/Linux. That's right, panhandling time. Back this game with a Milestone-based Pledge! (it's like Kickstarter... except not Kickstarter)

    You'll also notice the Newgrounds version of this game has Medals, despite being an HTML5 game. That's because I just created an unofficial Javascript port of their Flash API! My inner hacker feels all tingly. That or it's appendicitis. Anyway, you can check out the Newgrounds HTML5 API demo, and download the source code on Github. Please use these in your own HTML5 games, it's totally open source!

    Love & Murders,

    ~ NutcaseNightmare


    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - February 12th, 2014

    Browser Demo (HTML5)

    Back this game, and support further development!

    Yay, Rock Paper Shotgun wrote about me this morning.

    This game will be out on Newgrounds hopefully next week. Why later? Because it's an HTML5 game, and I want to integrate Newgrounds medals, but there's no API for that, so I'll also need to be creating... [drumroll] THE HTML5 PORT OF THE NEWGROUNDS API.

    Aw yiss. See you next week!

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - October 31st, 2013

    Nothing To Hide: Polished Prototype

    Comments & critiques are greatly appreciated, as the game is in its very early stages! The project is literally only two weeks old as of today. Please enjoy, and thanks in advance for your feedback, kind Newgrounds folk!

    (Sorry it's not a Halloween game. If it helps, pretend your main character is a demon girl.)

    Nothing To Hide: A Surveillance State Game

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - July 3rd, 2013

    TWELVE DAYS LEFT to get THE OPEN BUNDLE: http://open.commonly.cc

    Copyright laws have led to SOPA.
    DRM has led to the SimCity debacle.
    Advertisers are tracking us, and collecting our personal info.

    Unfortunately... Copyright, DRM, and adverts are currently the only way to make money from digital works.
    So, I and five other game artists are running an experiment, to see if instead, we can "sell to the public domain".

    This is kinda like Humble Bundle meets Kickstarter.
    Like the Humble Bundle, you can Pay What You Want for art & music from:

    1. HalcyonicFalconX, musician of the Epic Battle Fantasy series.
    2. Jimp, artist of the Sushi Cat series.
    3. NutcaseNightmare, creator of the :The Game: series.
    4. Stratkat, whose music was featured in Beat Hazard Ultra.
    5. Kenney, artist of Armor Picross.
    6. Mindchamber, artist of Newgrounds Rumble.

    And like Kickstarter, if we hit our goal of $10000, (we're 50% of the way there!) after the campaign ends on July 15, everything in the bundle will automatically be released under the Creative Commons Zero public domain license.

    Also, 10% (you can choose how much) goes to the charities: Electronic Frontier Foundation & Creative Commons

    This is an experiment.
    We want to find out if you can crowdfund the creative commons!

    GET THE OPEN BUNDLE: http://open.commonly.cc

    - - -

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - May 15th, 2013

    An Open Call for the Open Bundle.

    - - -

    Do you have art or music from your old and/or unreleased projects?
    Instead of going to waste, we're arranging a sort of "Humble Bundle" of art & music.

    We're doing this, so that others may use them in their animations and games.
    To create new art, from old art.

    - - -

    Who's on board so far?
    - Jimp, the artist behind This Is The Only Level, Achievement Unlocked, and Sushi Cat.
    - NutcaseNightmare, (me) the creator of the :The Game: series

    This is an open call for more artists, animators, and audio peoples.

    If you'd like to be part of this, send me a Private Message or email.
    Hope you'll join us!

    Join the Humble Bundle for art & music!

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - January 23rd, 2013

    Have you heard about the Mozilla GameOn contest? Well you have now.
    Mozilla wants to see what gamedevs can do with the power of remixing and hacking and stuff like that I guess SO THAT'S WHAT I DID

    Here's the first level of my upcoming Hackable Game!
    Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/HwWh9
    Link to game: http://www.craftyy.com/c/zoegj
    (Works best in Chrome or Safari)

    And yes, it works on tablet too!
    Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/LzBB492.jpg
    Link to mobile: http://www.craftyy.com/mobile/zoegj
    (As far as I know, it only works on iOS6 Mobile Safari.)

    I might need music, musicians, or voice actors - so if you recommend a music loop, or can make music / voice actings, PM me! Even if it turns out I don't need any, at least we can keep in touch for future projects. Maybe.

    And of course, please leave feedback on the game so far!

    ~ Nutcase "Nick" Nightmare

    Making a Hackable Game!

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - October 9th, 2012

    While thinking about my open-source Craftyy, an idea struck me.
    What if there was a crowdfunded contest for Creative Commons music?

    The best musicians get prize money from the people, by making freely-available music for the people!

    1) Crowdfund the prize money -- all the money goes towards the winners, and the prize amount can keep increasing with more donations.
    2) Musicians enter their music into the contest -- it only has to be Creative Commons licensed if they win.
    3) Top three musicians win the prize monies.

    --- --- --- --- ---


    1) Would you CC-license one of your existing songs, a new one, or none?
    2) What CC license are you most comfortable with, if any?
    3) Overall, would you participate in such a contest?

    --- --- --- --- ---

    Fo' reference:
    - Creative Commons
    - Crowdfunding on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo

    Here's a Junji Ito / Friendship is Magic crossover.

    Music Contest Idea?

    Posted by Nutcasenightmare - September 27th, 2012


    Craftyy is like Wikipedia for Webgames, where anyone can build off of anyone's art, design, or mechanics.
    Collaboration, without the cost of coordination.

    Why don't you chip in some to the collaborative-creativity cause?
    All $25+ Backers will get their name in the credits of an upcoming game made with the Craftyy game engine.

    This game is called Games :The Game:, which is like Choose-Your-Own-Adventure meets Upgrade Complete. You can check out a very early prototype here, or you can just stare at the screenshot below and appreciate art.

    Thanks again, Newgrounds!
    Stay awesome. ;)

    Craftyy is a GO!