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Age 30, Female

Joined on 11/7/05

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Nutcasenightmare's News

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - September 12th, 2012


My turn. I add a new level.
Your turn. You add new story.
Growing a game is the game.
It's our turn.

So yeah, I'm making something like a Wikipedia for games.
You can just add onto others' games, and see how others add onto yours!

Check out all the games made with Craftyy ... so far. ;)
And remember to back our Kickstarter! (Or at least tell a richer friend to do so)

P.S: As thanks to Newgrounds, here's a game with a tank from Newgrounds!

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - August 31st, 2012


Remember that :The Game: series I made?
:The Game:, Replaying :The Game:, Reimagine :The Game:, and now, with Craftyy, you can

It's still in alpha, but right now you can make simple games online with Craftyy. That means no need to download a program, no need to know how to program. You can even remix other peoples' games, adding onto them and giving them your own horrible, twisted twist.

Check out all the games made with Craftyy at:

And remember to back our Kickstarter!
(Or at least tell a richer friend to do so)

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - June 14th, 2012

Apologies in advance if this sounds like a startup's crappy survey, because it probably is.

Hello, I'm working on an online HTML5 game maker/remixer.
And I want to serve other developers as best as I can!
So if you're a web game developer, please let me know about you:

1) Do you use Flash/Unity/HTML5/Other, and what were your great/hate experiences with it?

2) Have you made a switch to HTML5, and why/why not?

3) How do you find technical resources, (engines/libraries) and art resources? (graphics/music/sounds)

4) What tools do you use, and your great/hate experiences with it?

5) How much of your code/art are you comfortable sharing, and how willing are you to use engines/art others have shared?

As thanks, here's a sneak peak from my upcoming game!
With placeholder Dashy, on Localhost port 1337.

Questions for game developers! Would you make games and share code online?

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - June 11th, 2012

Me on a bus with SweetLabs Inc. (I made 4 Horsemen for their Pokki platform)
Going to a laser tag tournament for my negative-first day of work.

Head Of Really Sexy Equine

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - May 3rd, 2012

Two things about my infamous Reimagine :The Game: (mid-2011)
1) I'm proud of my work.
2) And I sincerely hate it.

For every inventive game mechanic...
The level design for FDA12-18:TG: (Female Demographic Ages 12-18 :The Game:) building up on clever uses for the power of the Bieber.

...It was betrayed by my unpolished physics engine.
That frustrating Tea Party bounce-in-and-out-the-water level.

For every social issue I wanted to discuss...
Does marketing yourself as not-heterosexual promote LGBT-tolerance? Is it just a sex-sells money-grab? Are those mutually exclusive?

...I feared being preachy, and settled for cheap jokes.
I'm not sure if Ke$ha officially jumped on the bisexual bandwagon with Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.

For every piece of intelligent satire...
Satirizing the TSA mantra, "If you've got nothing to fear, you've got nothing to hide", showing Wikileaks turning it against the US government itself.

...I slapped on a meme at the end.
Some rage comic cutscene about bacon.

Note -- posting this post-mortem is not to please my profanity-puking critics, people poor with properly placed punctuation.

But wow did Reimagine polarize plenty of people.

I still think it's a game that worked at the time, and many others think it's still funny.
But I just needed to acknowledge what my game could have been, and what just ended up dumb.
Acknowledge this, before I do another thing dumb...
like winning another annual competition with Reimagine.

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - March 28th, 2012

This month,

Reimagine :The Game: took home a Mochi Award at the Flash Gaming Summit.
Four Horsemen came in first place for the Pokki 1Up Contest, winning me $30k and a trip to GDC.
I shook hands with the CEO of Zynga while wearing a horse mask.

This month feels like the longest setup to an April Fool's gag ever.

The Long March

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - March 3rd, 2012

Thanks to my fans - all two of them - Four Horsemen is now #1 People's Choice for the Pokki 1Up Gamedev Contest!
For everyone else, well, there's still time to check out the contest and ruin my chances.

Four Horsemen Website
Video Ending Music

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - February 23rd, 2012

Warning: Post contains bad horse puns. I'm beating a dead horse.

My latest game, Four Horsemen, features a musical performed by tiny horses.
Who'da thunk?
It's on the Pokki platform, an HTML5 app store for your workplace or school computer desktop.
My game's also part of the Pokki 1Up competition, and normally I wouldn't beg for plays, but I am not losing to a freaking Blackjack simulator.

Quit stallion', play The Four Horsemen of the A-Pokki-lypse!

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - January 29th, 2012

Reimagine was made coz I was bored
Since then my popularity's soared
But then it'll plummet
At Flash Gaming Summit
When I lose the Mochis Award

Reimagine is TWO Mochi Award Finalists

Posted by Nutcasenightmare - January 8th, 2012

DEMO: The Doctor Gets Bent
POLL: some dumb poll
Music by Minoff

This year, I wanted to start making games for Facebook, HTML5, and Mobile.
I figured my first game for all these platforms should be as simple as possible.
But what game, I wondered, could be flexible, stretch my skills, and be squeezed into a short development time?

Flexible? Stretch? Squeeze?
My brainstorming process apparently runs on bad puns.

POLL: some dumb poll
What would you do with the power to make faces into rubber?
Warp your own face? Warp friends' faces? Warp random pictures?

Please leave feedback and/or bad puns!