For all of you who want your chance at fame, try submitting your game to the 2BeeGames Competition! $10,000 and $5,000 prizes, as well as a console publishing deal if you win. Hurry though, because the Contest Submission Deadline is Sept 15th!
[EDIT: Huh, they shifted it to Oct 15th. Isn't that nice of them?]
I just spent about one hour trying to get screenshots from :the game:, and re-edit the huge and cumbersome .fla file in order to remove the advertisements... and then I realized I may have missed out on A ZILLION RULES...
-Games cannot depict any identifiable people;
(MC Hammer, Rick Astley, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, Britney Spears, Al Gore, a bunch of furries, should I go on...?)
-May not contain or refer to any other companies' or product names, brands, trademarks or logos;
(I thought I could get away with removing the Maxgames logo and the ads... and then I noticed many levels hinge on references to DBZ, Microsoft, Tamagotchi, Newgrounds, Nintendo, etc...)
-If your Game incorporates music it must be public domain or yours.
(No. I do not own Never Gonna Give You Up. I so wish I did.)
-Games cannot contain offensive material such as: violent imagery; or be profane, slanderous, disparaging to any person or third party, offensive to good taste; or which visually depicts alcohol or illegal drug use.
(Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. About that.)
You get your hopes up and get sacked in the nuts. Basically this is a classic FML moment.
Don't be like me. Read the legalese before you submit, and if you are going to, good luck!
Oh and if you don't know HOW BADLY my submission would break these rules, play :the game: